Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mayer Matthew Anderson & our busy September

On our way to the hospital...can you tell my water had broke AND I was having
Here he is!!! Less than 3 hours at the hospital and Mr. Mayer made a swift arrival! Born 9/2 @ 7:50pm, 5 lbs. 11 oz., 19 in.
Mayer Matthew Anderson
Our first family pic! Alicia was much more concerned with looking at one of the grandma's.
Our little can't tell in the pic that he is swimming in the newborn clothes. haha!
Oh big yawns!!!
Ready to go home!
And we thought he was swimming in his clothes...he is so tiny in his car seat!!!
Rocky meeting May for the first time.
Sweet little guy snoozing.
The hairy, hairy monster!
We almost needed doll clothes to fit him...he is in preemie clothes here and they are almost too big...
Alicia tickling his toes.
Big sis holding her little brother.
Alicia giving Mayer love!

First bath at home...he wasn't very happy!
But then he realized how nice and warm it was and then became happy!
So happy that he thought he might suck his thumb for a second...
All snuggled up!

Daddy's turn...
Daddy with his "mini me's" yes that's plural... I just did all the work!!!
Alicia looking cute as can be! She loves grapes!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some old/new pics from I'm behind!!!


Alicia & Presley playing together in the box...
Cute girl!
Mike's 32nd birthday...

One of the only pics of me with the baby belly...

The girls again!
Alicia with her cute cowboy hat...except it's on backwards...
Birthday cake is yummy...
Birthday cupcakes are yummy too!!!!

At the zoo!
Alicia & cousin Kaden at the zoo, snacking it up!
Alicia's first day of school...she was really excited! We just wish she was still excited about it! lol.

May...not a whole lot going on...

Cheetos face after Sea World.

My birthday party!

Carlsbad flower fields


Guitar Hero!!! Starting her early!The little fam...